Hey Centennial,

There is a concept that has been significant in my spiritual journey. Namely,

Training is more valuable than trying.

I first stumbled across this idea in college while reading Richard Foster’s book, The Celebration of Discipline. He uses the illustration of running a marathon (maybe that’s why the idea stuck with me so long 😊). If you set out to run 26.2 miles, there will come a moment when you can try as hard as you like to keep running and it won’t make any difference. Your body will simply stop and say, “No, I will not keep running.”

Unless you have trained it to run that far.

Life is not a sprint, especially not the life race called faith. It is a marathon.

This Sunday, we are going to look at this idea more closely as we consider a related idea,

God has given you a training plan to follow in your life of faith.

If you know what it is like to “hit the wall” in life and feel like you just can’t keep going, I pray that our study of Hebrews chapter 12 will give you renewed strength to keep going forward in faith, even when life’s challenges feel overwhelming.


Grace and peace,

Karl Helvig
Lead Pastor


P.S. Make sure you plan to stay after the first service or come early to the second, we are having a celebration for Pastor Sheila from 10:00 – 10:30 in the welcome center between the two worship gatherings.