Hello Centennial!

I hope you are staying out of the heat of the weather this week, since it’s a sweltering time. However, the heat and the excitement are up with our Ministry Partners! North Littleton Promise starts their summer activities next Monday (July 1) and is gearing up for a great opportunity for impacting elementary and middle school students. As a result, they have some needs for Activity Volunteers for their Summer Activity Camp for Elementary Students and, of course, some refreshments for those hungry little tummies after all the activities!

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Info on the Activity Volunteer responsibilities on Tuesdays and Thursdays – you can sign up for just one or many on the sign-up form.

“We will be having an activity time where we have a rotation of games, science and art projects.  The kids will have these sessions from 1pm-3pm.  The time commitment for volunteers is from 12:30pm – 3:30pm (This includes time for prep and cleanup – we provide supplies).  We love it when our volunteers choose multiple dates!”


Maybe, it’s easier for you to drop off snacks around 12:30 pm? They have open slots for refreshments on:

Monday, July 1 (Middle school – veggies and fruit for 20)


Tuesdays, July 16 and 23 (Elementary -veggies and fruit for 25)


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MOMCo Summer Gatherings – next two are coming up in July!


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There will be an informational meeting on the Severe Weather Shelter Network Sunday, July 14 during Lunch on the Lawn in the Youth Room.  If you would like to learn more about this organization that provides emergency winter night shelter during the coldest winter nights, please grab a lunch and come join us.  Christy Smith, the Executive Director of SWSN will be presenting on needs for the upcoming winter season (Oct ’24-April ’25) and how you can help.  If you know of others outside the church that might find this meeting interesting, please invite them as well!

What is Severe Weather Shelter Network?

Connecting People and Providing Shelter

We provide emergency winter night shelter for adult individuals and couples. We build relationships with warm meals, conversation, and personal stories. We provide important resource connections for our guests to help them become stable and self-sustaining. We connect community partners with guests to provide resources and services. We have built educational tools to teach the surrounding communities about homelessness.

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A new class of 53 students started on Monday, June 24th! Master’s Apprentice has added a 3rd class to the 2 that have already been going! Please pray for:

  • Minimal disruptions with this class as they come on board,
  • That the students’ hearts will be softened as they hear the Word every morning in Morning Devotions,
  • And that volunteers will continue to come forward to coach and mentor the students in Math, Career Preparation, Financial Literacy and The A-Game (Attitudes) as well as the Woodshop class.

For more information on volunteering or applying as a student with The Master’s Apprentice, please click here:


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Love INC (In the Name of Christ) has some interesting volunteer opportunities for those of us that would like to do a “regular” volunteer job that works right into our schedules instead of one-off helping events. One where you can build friendships with people new to you who are also Christians…. read on!

Connection Center

Reception: Greeting and guiding our callers and visitors into the Love INC ministry.

Intake Volunteer: Connecting neighbors to resources such as food, clothing, furniture, diapers, transportation and more. Making reference calls and offering ongoing check-in support.

Resourcing: Maintaining and updating our database of resources. There are several Centennial folks who volunteer in these positions. If you’d like to talk to them, just send an email to flourish@centcov.org and we will put you in contact with them to find out more about what they like with their volunteering for Love INC!

And have you ever been in the Award-Winning Resale Store, Renewed Treasures? As a part of Love INC, they are staffed entirely by volunteers! It is A wonderful store for shopping for gently used clothing or delightful bric-a-brac. Check it out and give some thought to volunteering here!

Renewed Treasures

Shift Volunteer: Selecting and preparing inventory as well as creating an inviting

shopping environment.

Shift Lead Volunteer: Overseeing a small team of volunteers and assisting the Store

Manager with larger projects, store merchandising and point of sales system.

Donation Relocation: Helping move unsalable donations to other resale organizations and ministries who take donations.

For more information on volunteering at Love INC, click here:


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Do you have a passion for local ministry?  Do you enjoy leading, motivating and vision- casting?  Maybe you are the perfect person to lead the Flourish Local Ministry Team for the next season!  If you have an interest in leading the team or being a part of the team in a non-leadership capacity, please reach out to the Flourish Alongside Pastor, Nicki Nickerson at nnickerson@centcov.org  

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What is Flourish?

Flourish Metro Ministries is the CentCov Team of volunteers who work with our local partner ministries, including:

North Littleton Promise  •  Love INC  •  Parent Life (Teen Moms and Dads via YFC)  •  The Master’s Apprentice Program  •  MOPS  •  Housing Assistance Ministry

Our goal is to help those in our local area flourish by serving them as the hands and feet of Jesus.

If you would like to know more about Flourish, our ministries or how to join the team, please contact Flourish@centcov.org