Hey Centennial,

In case you haven’t heard, we have hired a new Youth Director! We will be welcoming Amelia Copple (and her husband, Grant) during our August 25th worship gathering. If you could, make it a priority to be in person for worship on the 25th. Let’s make this a loud, jubilant, worshipful Sunday of welcome!

And some more good news. We currently have a solid budget surplus, woo-hoo! Click here for a few thoughts on what that means, a snapshot of current expenses, and how we can stay financially healthy in the months (and years!) ahead.

Here is the question that will guide our time of shared worship this Sunday. If we are all trying to follow Jesus on a journey of discipleship, and if discipleship begins with discernment, then

What do we do with doubt? 

Doubt is a common, maybe unavoidable, experience on our shared journey of faith. Turns out, it was even there for people who knew Jesus personally. In Matthew 11:1-19 we hear a story about John the Baptist and encounter Jesus:

Responding to, reflecting on, and revealing twin sources of doubt.

If you have ever experienced the weight of doubt on your journey of faith (and, let’s be honest, we all have!) or if you know someone who might benefit from encouragement in this area, then this is a great Sunday to be part of our worship gathering at 10:00am. You might even invite a friend, neighbor, skeptic, stranger on the street, member of your fitness club, or one of your adult children to “Come sit with me this Sunday.” You never know when they will accept the invitation. The survey data makes it clear that most people would be open to an invitation like this if it were extended.

Eager to worship with you Sunday.

Grace and peace,


P.S. Remember, this is the third Sunday of the month, so our Prayer Team will be available for Third Sunday Prayer immediately after worship. They would love to pray with you about anything in your life for which you would like prayer.

P.P.S. Don’t forget to scroll through the rest of this email each week for information, registration links, announcements, and all the ways to stay in the loop with the happenings of Centennial Covenant.