Ever wonder where your dollars go when you give to CCC? Here’s a glimpse of the outreach, connection, and transformation you support with every gift.

The Growth Challenge

The Growth Challenge is our core discipleship program at Centennial. At present, 63 individuals have gone through one of our 5 iterations of the Challenge, with many people choosing to go through it multiple times. However, our goal is that the discipleship strategy at its core – that Discipleship begins with Discernment and Discernment leads us to Spirit empowered practices – will become integrated into every ministry at Centennial. I pray that every Life Group, our ministries to Children and Students, every ministry team, and ultimately every person who calls CCC home would more and more come to know what it means to Grow as God leads and God Where God Calls because of our deep connection to God and ability to discern his leading. When you financially support CCC, you are supporting a church whose ministries are focused on helping people become who God designed and desires them to be. You are supporting the creation of small group communities where people learn this kind of life, the training of coaches who support people on their journey, and the creation of content that equips us all. Thank you for your ongoing support of Centennial Covenant Church!

Click here to give to the ministries of CCC.