Hey Centennial,

When was the last time you were utterly exhausted? 

I know, you might think to yourself, “Karl, I can’t remember a time I wasn’t exhausted.” In which case, you are even more ready for this next question,

What most fully gives you rest? 

I’m not talking about taking a short break from hard labor just to jump right back in, that’s shallow rest. I’m not even talking about a Sunday afternoon nap (though, I am a fan of those). I’m talking about deep rest. What provides the kind of soul refreshing, life enriching, energy replenishing rest that helps you know you can face whatever challenges – exhausting though they may be – you need to face this day?

Have you ever had that kind of rest?

If that sounds like an opportunity that is too good to be true, then I want to encourage you to be there for worship with Centennial Covenant this Sunday. Not only are we going to welcome and celebrate our new Youth Director, Amelia Copple, and her husband Grant. We are also going to spend the morning talking about the “rest for your soul” that Jesus offers to anyone and everyone who will receive it. The challenge is, I hate to admit it, many of us might not actually want to receive it. Turns out, it comes on a path many in our world are hesitant – or outright refusing –  to walk.

But, if you want to know the joy and flourishing of deep spiritual rest, this is the Sunday for you. Spiritual rest is a refreshment for our whole being – emotional, physical, intellectual, relational – that’s what Spiritual means, the whole which bigger than the sum of its parts. 

Eager to worship with you this Sunday and learn together how to receive from Jesus the light burden and easy yoke of his rest.

Grace and peace,


P.S. I have been sharing my desire that 100% of people who call Centennial home would engage in an intentional practice of discernment regularly in their life. Here are two ways to do that.



I would love for everyone to sign up for the Growth Challenge, so please do consider that. But even more so, may we all create space to listen for, hear, and respond to the voice of God leading us. If we do that, I know his kingdom will come, his will be done, and his name glorified. I know that justice will grow in our communities, hurting people will be helped, and the gospel will spread. Amen!