Hey Centennial,

I have a request to make. I want you to bring something with you to our worship gathering on Sunday.

Will you bring your journal? 

I’m not sure whether you have a journal. Maybe you used to journal, but don’t know where your last one went. Maybe your journal is the one book always on the nightstand. Either way,

If you have a journal, please bring it! And if you don’t have one, we will have one for you on Sunday morning. We will interact with them after the sermon. 

Last week we talked about rest and that is going to continue as Matthew keeps that the theme of his gospel. Jesus gets into conflict with some pharisees over the laws about Sabbath. If you have heard the word “Sabbath” before bot honestly don’t know what Jesus really wants us to think about it, or, if you have practiced Sabbath often and it’s a meaningful part of your week, this Sunday will be a great chance to think more deeply on the question,

How should I practice Sabbath? 

I think you might be surprised to find out just how good and beautiful of a gift it is from God.

And if you think of it while holding your journal Sunday morning, consider scooting to the middle of the rows to make room for others that are coming in. Worship gatherings have been getting full!

Grace and peace,


P.S. This is the last week to sign up for the Growth Challenge. Introduction classes start next week. More info and registration here.

P.P.S SAVE THE DATE for a congregational meeting immediately after worship on Sunday September 29th. At this meeting you will hear a financial update from the church Council and members will vote on a proposed budget for the 2024-2025 Ministry year. A reminder, along with the proposed budget, will be sent two weeks prior to the meeting.