Hey Centennial,

When was the last time you experienced a deep connection with God? 

If it’s been a while, take a second right now, take a deep breath, and notice whether your heart is longing for the peace and guidance his presence provides.

For the entire month of August, we are going to be focused on God’s desire to grow us into the person he designed us to be and send us out as disciples who make disciples. This life transforming and kingdom building work is at the heart of Jesus’ life and teaching.  When we follow him, it will become central to our lives as well. We are calling this emphasis during the month of August,

Grow and Go: Exploring the Life You Were Made For 

You’ll hear a lot more as the month goes on. This Sunday, we wrap up our summer series, Why Bother? By coming back to the same place we started, Why Bother with Church? The answer is one you may be familiar with, but we all need constant reminders of. Then next Sunday we jump back into the gospel of Matthew, picking up where we left off at the beginning of chapter 11.

But if we are going to go where God sends and Grow as God leads there is something we must be sure of.

We must pursue that as the result of deep connection with God, not an effort of human striving. 

If you ever feel like the busyness of life, the stress of constant rushing, or the weight of heavy worries ever pull you away from deep connection with God, this is a great Sunday to make sure you are here at Centennial. May we continue to be a community of people who together seek deep connection with God.

Grace and peace,
