Centennial Family,

My son and I watched the Lord of the Rings trilogy recently and there was a scene that, when we came to it, grabbed my attention. Here’s the scene (and apologies to those who are not LOTR aficionados!). Gandalf just threw the wicked servant of Sauron – Worm Tongue – out of the hall Theoden, King of the horse lords of Rohan. Worm Tongue had been holding Theoden under an evil spell. Gandalf broke the spell and now needs to revitalize this weak king so he can lead his people to battle. Gandalf reaches out and takes hold of the king’s sword, presenting it to the king for him to take. And Gandalf says:

“Your fingers would remember their own strength better if they grasped your sword.” Gandalf 

*Shivers down the spine* I love that line. I can’t help but smile just reading it.

As a community committed to following Jesus together, we also have a sword that, when we grasp it, reminds us of the strength we possess. The apostle Paul called it, “The sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” God’s word and God’s Spirit work together in our lives to strengthen us in difficulty, lead us in confusion, comfort us in grief, enliven us for mission, and unite us in community. The question is, simple

Are we grasping hold of this great gift, or are we letting it sit idly by? 

This Sunday, I want to challenge every person who calls Centennial their church home to set an intention for the year ahead. Make this a year where you sincerely seek God’s presence and activity. Make this a year when you act with intention to go where God leads and grow as God calls. Make this a year when you lean into the community in which God has placed you. Make this a year you grasp hold of what god is holding out for you to receive. Don’t let it sit idly by.

We are branding the month of August, “Grow and Go Month: Explore the life you were made for.” 

Here’s my hope, I hope this is a month where all of us pause, create space, look at the year ahead and ask ourselves:

  • How is God calling me to grow?

  • Where is God calling me to Go?

  • Who is God calling me to journey with?

With the beginning of the school year and coming of fall, this is a perfect time to consider,

Will I spend this year my own ways, or commit it to following God? 

If we make is a continual rhythm in our lives to sincerely seeking answers to these questions, I am certain we will see the kingdom of God not only planted and watered but growing exponentially through the power of the Spirit unleashed through Centennial in the days and years ahead. I am excited for this upcoming year of ministry. I am excited for the growth and ministry, the transformation and community that will be experienced. Let’s grasp on to God and discover just how powerful his presence among us really is.

Grace and peace,


P.S. Registration for Growth Challenge 2024 opens THIS SUNDAY. Keep an eye on your email after the Worship Gathering or grab the QR code from the announcement slides or the Flyer at The Hub during Sunday worship.

P.P.S. Here’s three ways to get or stay connected.  For everyone our final Lunch on the Lawn is this Sunday after worship, third Sunday prayer is after worship on August 18th, if you are new to CCC check out Taste of Centennial on August 25th.