Hey Centennial, How do I find contentment? That question was constantly in my mind as I prepared for this week’s sermon. Near the end of his message to his 12 disciples, Jesus said to them, “It is enough for a student to be like their teacher.” Enough. It...
Ever wonder where your dollars go when you give to CCC? Here’s a glimpse of the outreach, connection, and transformation you support with every gift. Maintaining our Mission Base: Over twenty years ago, CCC was blessed to purchase our current property here at...
Thank you to the 50 people who raised over $5,000! • • • A VISIT WITH GRACE SHIM Grace Shim is executive director of Serve Globally for the Evangelical Covenant Church. She oversees the missional efforts of over 100 global personnel and ministry...
Ever wonder where your dollars go when you give to CCC? Here’s a glimpse of the outreach, connection, and transformation you support with every gift. Helping Young Adults Launch Productive Careers: Do you know any young adults in your life who have struggled...
Centennial Family, The apostle Paul wrote these words to the Jesus followers in Corinth, “Take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” I often have thoughts running through my brain that I would love to take captive. I would love for them to lose their...