March 8, 2024

Ever wonder where your dollars go when you give to CCC? Here’s a glimpse of the outreach, connection, and transformation you support with every gift. Supporting Teen Moms: Parenting is simultaneously one of the most challenging and rewarding efforts in life....

March 8, 2024

Hey Centennial, Have you ever had someone say these words to you, “Hey, stop worrying!”  If you’re like me, you probably find them to be rather unhelpful. If I knew how to simply “stop worrying,” I would have done it already! This is the kind of advice that Julie...

March 1, 2024

Ever wonder where your dollars go when you give to CCC? Here’s a glimpse of the outreach, connection, and transformation you support with every gift. Care in Crisis One of the long-standing ministries of Centennial Covenant has been our ministries of Care. Every...

March 1, 2024

Hey Centennial,   When was the last time you watched an exciting chase scene? Maybe you watch action movies regularly. Maybe you pulled to the side of the road recently so a law enforcement vehicle could speed by you in real life.  There is something inherently...

Flourish: February 28, 2023

Hello Centennial! Do we ever have some info to pass on – lots of “different” stuff for you to be aware of this month! • • •   MINISTRY NEWS AND EVENTS   • • •   Come and enjoy a bowl of chili (lots of varieties including bean free, vegetarian, and non...