Glad you’re here!
Our purpose in Crescendo is “to help 50/60/70-somethings pursue vital living as missional disciples by discovering fresh gifts from God to connect, grow and serve.” We love how Psalm 92:14 puts it: they will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green, as well as how our larger ECC Crescendo family notes: Aging is not an option. How we do it is.
We offer quarterly Sunday evening desserts with talks and discussion on relevant topics, classes and seminars, and serving opportunities.
Visit the ECC’s Crescendo page for more helpful resources here

Parents of age 20+ kids: come learn to define this new season of relationship, capitalizing on the gifts and opportunities that come with adult children, while avoiding the potential challenges and pitfalls. We’ll explore what to do when chil- dren’s faith and values don’t match your own, what the role in advice-giving is in this season, and balancing how to em- power without enabling your adult children.
Dr. Betsy Wagner is a Denver area licensed counselor, consultant, author, and educa- tor, having taught at Denver Seminary for ten years, She’s also an experienced “adult child”!
Register here
Watch the panel discussion video from our event:
Discovering God’s Fresh Purposes in Life’s Third-Third
May 5, 2024
Our Leadership Team
Karl and Linda Bruce, Patty Kline, Cherry Lofstrom, Don Sheely, Steve and Darlene Thulson.
Questions about CCC’s Crescendo ministry can be directed to Steve