Ever wondered where your dollars go when you support the General Fund of Centennial Covenant Church? Check back here each week for a glimpse of the many ways your financial contributions support ministries of outreach, connection, and transformation in and through CCC.

Coffee Farmers in Colombia

A percentage of every dollar donated to the CCC general fund goes to support our global mission partners. The Global Team oversees this section of our budget and some of our longtime partners are Gary and Mary Lou Sanders. The Sanders are ECC Global Personnel serving in Medellin, Colombia. One project the Sanders have been highly involved with is helping a group of local coffee farmers start and run a sustainable coffee plantation. This project is progressing wonderfully and should bring a longterm sustainable standard of living to many in the area. When you donate to the CCC General Fund, you are helping Colombian farmers build an economically stable reality for their families, and you are doing it in a way that strengthens the local ECC Colombian churches as well. Donate to the CCC General Fund today and support Colombian coffee farmers. 

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