Ever wonder where your dollars go when you give to CCC? Here’s a glimpse of the outreach, connection, and transformation you support with every gift.
Hey Centennial,
With the turning of the calendar year, we have also completed the first quarter of our 2024-2025 Fiscal Year. As a reminder, the church fiscal year runs from October 1st through September 30th. At the Congregational Meeting in September, the membership passed an annual budget of $861,000. To fund this budget, it will require $835,000 of giving from our church community. The remaining funds come primarily from building use fees. When the budget was presented to the membership by the Council, it was made clear that $835,000 of giving would require $60,000 of giving more than the total received in the previous fiscal year. It was also said that if all four quarters of the current fiscal year reflected the giving of the last two quarters of last fiscal year, then we meet this new giving level. Meaning, even though this year’s budget had an increase, there is strong evidence that we are in a place to meet that increase. And I have good news. While the final numbers aren’t all in for the first quarter, the clear indication is that we are on track to meet the new budget. Based on my calculations (which, again, need to be confirmed by our Treasurer, but I feel confident these are an accurate reflection).
Quarter 1 giving will be about $240,000.
If we meet that level for four quarters, it adds up to $960,000 for the year. That is $100,000 more than required for the budget and that is fantastic! To be clear, it is rare that all four quarters have exactly the same amount of giving. There is always one high quarter and another low quarter, but this is also a wonderful place to be at this point in the year, thank you for generously supporting God’s mission through Centennial! If we stay on track with this kind of financial strength, it will allow us to meet our full giving pledge to all our ministry and mission partners, to provide new outreach opportunities, to dream a little more about what future ministries God might have us launch, as well as to replenish our reserve fund and capitol contingency fund, which ensure the long-term maintenance and care for our mission base, this church building and property. Those are exactly the kinds of dreams I believe God wants us to be dreaming for the sake of his Kingdom of righteousness.
Thank you as always. May 2025 be a year where the abundance of God’s Spirit shows up in the lives of many, where people discover the life found in Christ and that joy overflows into the community and world around us.
Grace and peace,
Karl Helvig
Lead Pastor, Centennial Covenant Church
Here is a snapshot of our current financial situation.
Click here to give to the ministries of CCC.