Merry Christmastide Centennial Family!

Advent is over, and now it is Christmastide, the twelve days of Christmas beginning on December 25th and culminating on January 6th.

Most of us usually consider Christmas a one-or two-day event, including Christmas Eve. Some of us are relieved when it is all over, as we can take a break from the chaos, loneliness, or hard memories. Others may be indifferent, or even a little sad or empty.

But if we lean into the church calendar and observe Christmastide, we have no less than 12 whole days to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.

During Christmastide, we can join Mary as she, “kept all these things in her heart and thought about them often” (Luke 2:19).

Mary has just experienced an unusual labor and delivery in the part of a home where animals slept, not the cleanest or quietest space in the world. Far from home and a newlywed, Mary is grappling with this miraculous event; she has just given birth to God’s son!

And soon after enduring childbirth, she’s visited by shepherds who bring a tale of angel choirs as they kneel before her infant son and worship Him!

That is a lot to process!

I am sure Mary needed a minute.

I think we all do.

AN INVITATION: Take some time over Christmastide and ponder:

  • What does Jesus’ birth mean to me?
  • Breathe in: “Here I am to Worship; Here I am to Listen.”
  • And listen! Really, take five minutes each day to ponder the birth of Jesus.

This week, Jon Hardin will help us continue to contemplate the Christmas Story: “We all know that New Years is almost upon us. That means more celebrating, more calories, and (before long, at least) more broken resolutions! But before we rush into 2025 and Google, ‘What’s the best way to clean up confetti,’ maybe we should pause and take another look at the Christmas story. We all look forward to Christmas, but very few look back. Maybe it’s wise to do both. Join us for Sunday’s message and let’s see!”

Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!

P.S. End-of-year giving: CCC offices will be closed the week of Christmas, but will be open Tuesday, December 31st. Checks can be postmarked by that day, or you can give online HERE.