Ever wondered where your dollars go when you support the General Fund of Centennial Covenant Church? Check back here each week for a glimpse of the many ways your financial contributions support ministries of outreach, connection, and transformation in and through CCC.

Care in Crisis

One of the long-standing ministries of Centennial Covenant has been our ministries of Care. Every pastor and staff member spends time almost on a weekly basis speaking with, coaching, counseling, comforting, encouraging, and praying with the members of CCC in every imaginable season of life. Moreover, our care team cooks and delivers meals to those sick or in the hospital, they deliver cards and flowers to those who are grieving, they bring communion to those who are homebound and can’t make it to worship on Sunday mornings. Furthermore, our prayer team meets weekly to pray for the needs of the people of Centennial. This doesn’t even account for the countless ways the people of Centennial care for one another amidst our day-to-day, real life friendships. A substantial part of every dollar you give to CCC funds all of these care ministries and helps build a culture of mutual caring among our church family. Donate to CCC today and help sustain a community that prays and cares for one another daily.

Click here to give to the ministries of CCC.