Hey Centennial,

When was the last time you found yourself wondering to yourself,

What was I thinking? 

Let’s be honest, we all do and say things that (especially in hindsight) are clearly foolish. So, how do we change? What does it take to grow and mature and (hopefully, please Lord!) make fewer of these “what was I thinking?” mistakes? In the end of Matthew 21 Jesus references a phrase that – as far as I can tell – might be the key to answering that question. He says that this journey of living with a little less regret and a little more wisdom has been called

The Way of Righteousness.

What does it look like to live in the way of righteousness? Great question. That is the question we are going to try and answer together this Sunday. But be warned.

It requires us to hold a number of things in tension with one another. 

Fortunately, God promises that his Spirit will give us all we need to hold this space and tension. May we be up to living in this high, high calling.

Eager to worship as a community this weekend!

Grace and peace,


P.S. There’s lots going on around CCC. Here are a few ways you can help out or get involved. More info on all of these is below: 

  • The Safety and Security Team invited you to an informational meeting after worship on Sunday February 16th. Consider joining this great team.

  • His Kids Children’s Ministry is looking for volunteers to help during the 8:45 worship gathering beginning this Sunday, Feb 9th. Sign up here or reach out to Pastor Nicki (nnickerson@centcov.org) for more info.

  • How can we pray for you? Every Sunday after worship, members of our prayer team, staff, and Elders are available to pray with you. Consider taking part in this great opportunity!

  • Our next round of classes starts soon. Go here to learn more about each of the Four New Classes coming up!