Hey Centennial,

Here’s the question we will consider together on Sunday:

Are you one with God? 

When Paul was writing a letter of teaching and encouragement to the church in ancient Corinth, he wrote,

But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit. 1 Corinthians 6:17 

I’ll be honest, even though I am the one asking the question, it is a little daunting to consider whether I am “One with God in Spirit.” I mean, what would it look like to truly be one with God? What would it take for that to be true?

The good news is that God is the one who accomplishes this for us! 

That said, there are also plenty of ways we can let ourselves get separated from this gift of unity with God. It turns out, this danger of separation is precisely the danger and temptation Jesus himself experienced right at the beginning of his public ministry. You can read about it in the gospel of Matthew, chapter four, verses one through 11. That is the passage we will be talking about together as we continue our sermon series in the gospel of Matthew and look at

The temptation of Jesus in the wilderness. 

As a guide to our prayer during worship, we will be looking at the words written by John Wesley in his covenant prayer. This has had great significance to me in my life of faith and I hope it is a challenge and encouragement to you. If you want to read the prayer for yourself ahead of time or refer to it later, you can find it here.

Eager to worship with you on Sunday!


Grace and peace,

Karl Helvig
Lead Pastor


P.S. Last Sunday was Connection Sunday. We asked everyone to consider the question, “Whats’s the best next step I can take to get connected to my church community?” If you weren’t here, you can learn more about our church directory here – it’s a simple way to help everyone get and stay connected. Or you can consider your own next steps by filling out this digital connection card.  

I hope you choose to do one of the best things anyone can do in life, get connected to a church community!