Good afternoon, Centennial! I hope you are staying cool this week! As I write this though, it is somewhat true that not only is the weather warm, but our great lead pastor Karl Helvig turned up the warmth a little on Sunday too, didn’t he? He asked us each to spend some time in prayer, discerning what not only the deepest desires of our hearts are, but how God is calling us to grow! Now that’s getting right to the heart of the matter, isn’t it?


Well, it’s that part about desire and growth – as you are praying for, serving in and supporting our ministry partners, is a great way to discover how God is calling you to grow.


MOPs, North Littleton Promise, Love INC Impact classes, Parent Life and the Master’s Apprentice Program are our ministry partners. All these things need PRAYER. And they offer GROWTH! And they offer OPPORTUNITIES to serve. They hit on all of his sermon points from Sunday. As you begin to discern your heart’s God-led desires, what discoveries are you making?


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If you missed the great Garden Party this week, you could still start the Fall Semester on Friday mornings (first and third of the month) 9-11:30 am! Friday, September 1st is the first meeting. MOPs meets in the church café for the moms and those great mentor moms while the kids have quality childcare in the kid’s wing at the same time. Wow, 2.5 hours of time that gives you a break to build community with other moms, study the Bible and share a cup of coffee as you don’t have to run to those little “Mommy!” requests.


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Love INC’s programming includes not only the great IMPACT classes which begin with an informational “Taste of Impact” dinner on Thursday night, September 14 – see the classes and sign up for “Taste” below.



This Fall, IMPACT will offer FIVE classes for the first time ever!


Click HERE to see more about the classes being offered starting September 21!


The IMPACT Fall session kicks off with “A Taste of IMPACT” where you can enjoy a meal, meet the facilitators of the 5 classes, visit the classrooms, and register for what most attracts you at this time. Click HERE to register for A Taste of IMPACT on September 14.


They also have so many opportunities to help others:


Does your inner stylist like to plan out outfits and home design?  Renewed Treasures needs help at the store:

  • Renewed Treasures is seeking volunteers that will be able to lift up to 40 lbs and serve regularly at the store.

Are you someone that wants to help, but have limited time – except now and then when you could help out a neighbor in need with a car ride?

  • Connection Center is in need of drivers to help clients get to and from important appointments in the Littleton area.

Please complete the Volunteer Application HERE if you would like more information on these opportunities.



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There is so much to celebrate with North Littleton Promise! Last Saturday they moved into their brand-new facility at the East Community Center in Littleton! They have an entire hallway of rooms to use for elementary, middle school and high school programming as well as office space and “hang out space” for the moms to do their Bible studies in – as well as – hang out and build a supportive community! There’s a gym at one end of the hall and a playground at the other end!


And you know what? About 20 years ago, people at CCC kicked off this little gem of an idea – and you know why? Because God nudged them after a Sunday morning class to start PRAYER Walks in the North Littleton neighborhood. (Be careful with those prayers! You never know where they might lead!)


Mark your calendars now because on Sunday September 17 we are going to celebrate the 20th anniversary of North Littleton Promise and its birth right here at Centennial. And we will be celebrating a further CCC gift that helped enable them to move into their new facilities at East Community Center!


From NLP:


NLP is all about helping our community grow in faith, education and leadership, but not just for Littleton’s immigrant families. When you volunteer, you also take steps to grow with us! There are many ways to do just that this fall. We need folks to help with food, serve in our after-school program weekly and one-time opportunities.


Please consider one of these ways to be involved:

  • Bring food to help us fill hungry tummies AND to help us create a welcoming space to build community and foster growth. Sign up for a snack HERE or a meal HERE!
  • Volunteer with students weekly in our after-school programs:  serve snacks, play, help with homework, enjoy crafts and games on Tuesdays or Thursdays with Elementary students or Wednesday with Middle School students.  Time is 3:45-6:15pm at the East Community Center.  Contact us HERE! 
  • Sign up HERE to be notified about one-time opportunities like Fiesta set up on Friday, 9/29 or providing childcare for monthly parent meetings in the evenings.
  • Purchase an item from our Amazon wish list to help us transform sterile classrooms into a warm, welcoming environment for our kids and families.  Please deliver to the East Community Center at 5933 S. Fairfield St. Littleton, CO 80120.  When you get to shipping, you can send us a notification email under “add gift options.” Use

We envision Littleton’s immigrant families thriving as they connect with one another and the broader community through eating, playing, learning, and growing in faith in a central gathering place. Help us bring this vision to life this fall by getting involved!


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Prayer Requests from our Ministry Partners


Master’s Apprentice 

  • Session 5 of 2023 just started this week!  Please pray for the new students and their coaches to be able to change the trajectory of the students’ lives through the excellent program of soft skills provided by the program.  40 students have begun the road to new lives.  Pray for their progress and persistence with the program over the next 6 weeks.
  • Session 4 just graduated 26 students with a 98% placement rate in the skilled construction trade 4-year apprenticeship positions that average $40,000 per year in salary! Praise God for this class and pray that they all come to see God’s hand in their lives leading them to Master’s Apprentice and their new careers!
  • Pray for the right Career Prep Coach to join the team of coaches.  Someone with confidence in teaching interview skills and assisting with resume writing.  This is our one big need in coaching as we move forward with larger classes of students.  Give praise for the dedication of the 4 CCC members who are coaching students presently.


Parent Life

  • We are in search of a Parent Life Director. We want to pray that God sends the right person and can connect well with our students and team. Additionally, that’s whoever God desires and has been called. We believe God’s best.
  • The completion of the new Community Center. Located near Legacy High School in Aurora it will be the center of all the Parent Life (Teen Moms and Dads) activities as well as the other Youth For Christ activities on the East side of the metro area.


Love INC (In the Name of Christ)

  • Please pray for the new people who will be joining the Love INC Staff n the next months. Currently, we are looking for two positions: Administrative Assistant and Connection Center Coordinator. See both postings HERE. Soon there will be additional postings for church engagement and marketing/communication. Please share these opportunities with those you know.


North Littleton Promise

  • Give Thanks! God is good! We are thankful and excited about what the Lord has for our community in this next chapter!



  • Prayers for growth of the program as it rebuilds post Covid.
  • Strength and direction for the new leadership of MOPs as they carry on the mission of MOPS.


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What is Flourish?

Flourish Metro Ministries is the CentCov Team of volunteers who work with our local partner ministries, including:

North Littleton Promise  •  Love INC  •  Parent Life (Teen Moms and Dads via YFC)  •  The Master’s Apprentice Program  •  Issachar  •  MOPS  •  Housing Assistance Ministry

Our goal is to help those in our local area flourish by serving them as the hands and feet of Jesus.

If you would like to know more about Flourish, our ministries or how to join the team, please contact