Hello Flourish Newsletter Readers! Thanks so much for opening this info and taking a good hard look! We on the Flourish Team appreciate it, because it is our main way to communicate what we are doing.


Ever delete the letter, and then wish you could remember something in it? The weekly All Church Email of Events and Happenings at Centennial is published on Fridays. It always has a QR code in it that will lead you directly to the newsletter or you can go to the “Serve” tab on the CCC website and find it under the Flourish page also.


Wasn’t that a wonderful message from our very own Steve Thulson on Sunday?  Steve gave a message on prayer, specifically on John 17 and Jesus’ prayers for US, his 21st century believers. This led Steve to our mission statement at CCC: Centennial Covenant Church exists to glorify God by following Jesus on a shared journey of transformation in His mission to our broken world. Of everything that transformation brings about, there are two things that Flourish hopes to help you do more of:


  1. Pray more for our broken world – by publicizing the prayer requests of our local ministry partners. And just as Steve said, Centennial is a praying church.
  2. Work with Jesus to reach his broken world. To some this means donating items or money to the ministries working with our surrounding community. To others it means getting in there and getting your hands into the work in the community. And finally to others it means taking advantage of the offerings of our partners.


This week’s newsletter offers something in each of these areas.  I hope you will take advantage of one or another of multiple opportunities to grow in your personal transformation and further Jesus’ mission to his broken world.


Now let’s find out what the opportunities are:


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Mothers Of Preschoolers, Fall, 2023 is beginning and we are celebrating with a Garden Party. RSVP by scanning the QR code above, or click here.

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IMPACT is beginning!! Five classes are being offered!!  How about taking a look at the offerings and giving thought to whether you know someone (or yourself) that might be interested in some personal development?


Read what class participants loved about each class:



See your life’s big picture in this dynamic class that helps you assess and improve in concrete, practical ways your physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual self in accordance with God’s plan for you.

“Dreams feel big. But Affirming Potential has helped us realize they are attainable.”



Recognize when to say ‘yes’ and ‘no’ to take control of your life and explore how healthy boundaries give us freedom to make choices and to love and live in right relationship with ourselves, others and God.

“The class helped me in a life altering way. I learned healthy boundaries know no limits!”



Handle what life throws at you! In this truly practical class; learn to manage your money, maintain an organized home and life, and develop skills in planning, relating with others, and problem-solving.

“I learned a lot about myself and how to take care of the practical things in my life.”



Pursue mental, emotional and spiritual wellness under the guidance of trained facilitators in a safe and compassionate small group setting, while exploring biblical truths about hope in the midst of suffering.

“My class was the best! I loved the facilitators and how they made it a safe place and built community.”



Explore the complex issues surrounding situational and generational poverty and learn how to offer a hand up, not just a hand out. Discover how wholistic help will actually benefit those we serve.

“Learning the difference between a ‘hand-out’ and a ‘hand-up’ was a big take-away for me.”


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Prayer Requests from our Ministry Partners


North Littleton Promise

  • Praise God for a nest egg from Centennial Covenant Church given to us 10 years ago to help us get started with capital improvements at our new permanent location: East Community Center. We are excited to create a space that feels welcoming and joyful, is designed for our programs, and resonates culturally with our families.
  • Praise God for some funding opportunities from foundations to help us with our new space and the opportunity to increase our impact. These are still in process, so please pray for favor and for God’s provision.
  • Moving Day into the NEW facility at East Community Center is Saturday, August 12!  Pray for a smooth transition and lots of helpers and big trucks!!


Parent Life

  • We are so excited to share that we have received all the necessary permits which means that the Youth Center is coming together and will be completed soon! Praise be to God!
  • We are in search for a Parent Life Director. We want to pray that God sends the right person and can connect well with our students and team. Additionally, that its whoever God desires and has been called. We believe God’s best.


Love INC (In the Name of Christ)

  • Please pray for the new people who will be joining the Love INC Staff in the next months. Currently, we are looking for two positions: Administrative Assistant and Connection Center Coordinator. See both postings HERE. Soon there will be additional postings for church engagement and marketing/communication.


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Important Dates to Remember:


  • Wednesday, August 23: MOPS kickoff PARTY at 6:30 pm.
  • Thursday, September 14: The IMPACT Fall session kicks off with “A Taste of IMPACT” where you can enjoy a meal, meet the facilitators of the 5 classes, visit the classrooms, and register for what most attracts you at this time. Click here to register for A Taste of IMPACT.
  • Sunday, September 17: NLP Celebration Sunday at Centennial! Watch for details coming soon!
  • Thursday, September 21: IMPACT classes begin at 5:45 with dinner
  • Friday, September 29: North Littleton Promise’s famous FIESTA at 6pm


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What is Flourish?

Flourish Metro Ministries is the CentCov Team of volunteers who work with our local partner ministries, including:

North Littleton Promise  •  Love INC  •  Parent Life (Teen Moms and Dads via YFC)  •  The Master’s Apprentice Program  •  Issachar  •  MOPS  •  Housing Assistance Ministry

Our goal is to help those in our local area flourish by serving them as the hands and feet of Jesus.

If you would like to know more about Flourish, our ministries or how to join the team, please contact Flourish@centcov.org