Good afternoon Centennial! I hope you are doing well today! I am still basking in the glow of Aisha Cox’s wonderful sermon on love from Sunday, July 23rd! Wow, was that powerful or what? We are so blessed to have an incredibly gifted lead pastor in Karl and a powerful preaching team, that it takes someone really remarkable in their message and delivery to make us sit up and take notice, doesn’t it? It was so obvious to me that the Holy Spirit was guiding Aisha through that entire sermon. Wow!


The topic of love made me think of all the love you, CCC, have shown over the past year to our Local Ministry partners: From your support of North Littleton Promise, to Love INC, to all the baby gifts that went to Parent Life at Christmas time and to your donations to the Housing Assistance Fund, our local community is so blessed by YOU! Thank you all for the wonderful ways you have blessed these partners and ultimately the clients they work with.


Now, let’s look at what is going on with those partners and ministries that we have right here at CCC!


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Our CCC MOPS group is headed up by a very capable Katie Wilson and some pretty awesome mentor moms. I don’t know them all so I won’t mention them by name since I might forget one of them, but you moms know who you are! Thanks!


MOPS starts their Fall semester on Wednesday, August 23rd. Put it on your calendar right now! More info on times, etc is coming.


Know a friend who needs MOPs? Invite her to come with you. Remember brunch, devotions and friendships are included! And perhaps most of all, quality childcare so you get some time away from the little one for yourself!

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Thanks to the many churches* who have gathered goods and SUPPORTED this event. Nearly 200 children received new or near-new clothes, plus backpacks filled with school supplies to prepare them for success in the coming school year!


Clothes Collections from:

  • Centennial Covenant Church (emphasis added, 😎)
  • Fathom Church
  • Heritage United Methodist Church
  • Littleton Christian Church
  • Our Father Lutheran Church
  • St. Luke United Methodist Church
  • St. Philip Lutheran Church
  • South Fellowship Church

Backpacks and School Supplies from:

  • Mission Hills Church
  • St James Presbyterian Church
  • South Sub Church

Volunteer support from:

  • Abiding Hope Church
  • Foothills Bible Church
  • Heritage United Methodist Church
  • Mission Hills Church
  • St James Presbyterian Church
  • South Fellowship Church
  • and many more….


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2 groups of CCC congregants providing IMPACT Meals last Winter and Spring!  Thanks for your loving provision of a meal!



Read on to see how you and your friends, life group or Sunday morning class can be a part of serving an IMPACT meal this Fall!


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Small Group Serving Opportunities this Fall


The Fall IMPACT session will launch on September 15 with “A Taste of IMPACT” and classes will begin on September 22.


IMPACT provides a caring community with classes, coaching, child care, and prayer. One of the critical components of IMPACT is breaking bread together.


Providing a meal for the 60-70 folks who attend each week is a wonderful outreach for small groups. Please click here to sign up for IMPACT dinners this fall.


I know many of you have participated in IMPACT classes in the past. Just as soon as I have the list of classes for FALL I will put them out in this newsletter and post them on our Flourish Webpage. Just click on the Flourish Logo in the Friday All Church Email and you will reach this Flourish webpage. Shout out of thanks to David Dillon for his wonderful creativity with this!


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How about a part time paid position?!


Do you know of someone in your church who would like to be a part of

the Love INC Team? Love INC is a wonderful Christian ministry full of wonderful Christian people with the opportunity to make a difference in lives!


We’re hiring now for an Administrative Assistant and a Connection Center Coordinator. For job descriptions and application instructions, click HERE.


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Message from NLP!


Hello friends!

We just started week 4 of our summer programs and these kids have been busy! One big reason we have extensive summer programs is because kids from lower income households typically lose ground over the summer academically, a dynamic known as summer slide.


One of NLP’s three priorities is education and we want our students to hold their academic progress year to year, so learning is a daily focus in our 5 week program.

Great news! We only need $1,175 to meet our $25,000 summer fundraising goal! We would appreciate your help to get us to the finish line. Please consider a one time gift because learning doesn’t stop over the summer for NLP kids!

With gratitude,
Maureen Shannon



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CCC, didn’t I tell you at the start of this newsletter how much I appreciated all the love you have shown to our Partner Ministries – from prayers, to volunteering, to collecting clothes and serving meals and to mentoring students. Thank you so much for your LOVE!

Need to contact the Flourish Team about something or ask a question:


What is Flourish?

Flourish Metro Ministries is the CentCov Team of volunteers who work with our local partner ministries, including:

North Littleton Promise  •  Love INC  •  Parent Life (Teen Moms and Dads via YFC)  •  The Master’s Apprentice Program  •  Issachar  •  MOPS  •  Housing Assistance Ministry

Our goal is to help those in our local area flourish by serving them as the hands and feet of Jesus.

If you would like to know more about Flourish, our ministries or how to join the team, please contact