No plans to travel to an exotic location this summer? Fed up with the heat? Travel with some of our mission partners to foreign lands and live vicariously through them!

Jim and Hydi Peterson direct the Akagi Bible Camp about 2 hours northwest of Tokyo. It’s a “Colorado-like” area of Japan, with mountains, lakes, summer highs in the 80s, and afternoon thunder showers.   “Hikes with Hydi” offer her long hours to connect with friends and talk about Christ.

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In June, Ruthie Dutton accompanied a Merge/ECC short-term team to Roi Et, Thailand, where she and Peter served for many years. Roi Et is a city of about one million, and is classified as a “tropical savannah.” The team encountered temperatures in the upper 80s and 90s, and experienced the monsoon season, with about 7.5 inches of rain falling in June.

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Ready to trade summer for winter? Colleen Nahnychuk serves in the southern part of Argentina, based in San Carlos de Bariloche. High temps in July average in the mid-40s with lows around freezing, with rain and occasional snow.  While Colleen managed a relaxing day away recently, Argentina’s 250% inflation is making this a very difficult season for many.




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Gary and Mary Lou Sander live in Medellin, Columbia, known as “The City of Eternal Spring.” Their daily high temperatures this month average in the mid-80s with lows in the mid-60s. In a recent prayer letter, they included this picture of “worship under the stars,” with the congregation of Iglesia Shaddai.  The congregation is looking forward to a team from the US coming to help them put a roof on the church before the rainy season begins!

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Peter Chosen, pictured on the left, is director of church planting for the Evangelical Covenant Church of Kenya. He lives in the coastal city of Watamu on the Indian Ocean. This month he will be enjoying balmy sea breezes and temps between the mid-60s at night and mid-80s during the day. But as he travels around the country encouraging pastors, it’s hotter, more humid, and seldom is there air-conditioning!

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Roy and Mary Lou Graham, living outside Edinburgh, Scotland, enjoy long daylight hours in the summer, although “real” sun can be elusive. This summer they’re seeing temperatures in the mid-50s and 60s with clouds or rain showers almost daily. Roy and Mary Lou shared this picture taken in their village at 10 pm earlier in July.

These photos were taken from our mission partners’ social media accounts and prayer letters.

There are some amazing photographers among them!  

You can learn more about our partners by visiting our global outreach link.


And they ALWAYS would love an encouraging note from you!