The Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing (D/HH) Ministry welcomes you to join us at Centennial Covenant Church where we try to make everything accessible for friends in this community! Our 10 AM Sunday morning worship includes sign language interpretation. Interpreters are available on request for Sunday and mid-week classes, as well as other church events and activities. We also offer a Life Group for D/HH women which meets on Wednesday evenings.
Click here to view ASL interpreted sermons
Need an Interpreter?
Please let us know here if there is a CCC event or class that you would like to attend and require the assistance of an interpreter.

Transcripts for our “Centered” Podcast
Exploring Spiritual Exercises for Everyday Living
Week 1, Practice 1 – Nov. 30, 2020
Week 1, Practice 2 – Dec. 2, 2020
Week 1, Practice 3 – Dec. 4, 2020
Week 2, Practice 1 – Dec. 7, 2020
Week 2, Practice 2 – Dec. 9, 2020
Week 2, Practice 3 – Dec. 11, 2020
Week 3, Practice 1 – Dec. 14, 2020
Week 3, Practice 2 – Dec. 16, 2020

We have a hearing loop!
This allows the voices of speakers and the music from the microphones to go directly into a hearing aid or cochlear implant. This system provides the clearest, cleanest sound imaginable and does not require a headset, as it works with the T-Coil or Telecoil with which most hearing aids come equipped. Consult your audiologist to confirm it has been activated and to learn how to access it.
Please contact Barbie Galoob by email or 720-210-5511 (videophone) with questions or if you would like more information about D/HH ministries at CCC.

“Blood of the Lamb”
©2010 by deaf artist Chuck Baird