2025 Winter/Spring Adult Classes

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What can we know about the ‘End Times’? A Study on the Book of Revelation

(begins Feb. 9) – Craig Blomberg & Jael Shumaker

Oftentimes, the book of Revelation seems like a confusing jumble of strange symbols, ranging from a multi-headed dragon to a woman who sits on seven hills. What do these symbols mean, and where did they come from? What message do they communicate about the “end times”? Does Revelation have any relevance for how we, as Christians, should live our lives today? In this class, we will explore all of these questions with special attention given to Revelation’s Old Testament background. Join us in exploring an enigmatic book that casts a powerful vision of hope for the people of God!

Parent Coffee (or Tea) Hour

(begins Feb. 9) – Hannah & Clayton Zylstra

Parents (babies through high school) please join us during Connecting Hour for a connecting hour! We hope to provide time and space to foster deeper connections for parents within our church community. Each week, we will provide prompts, questions, or activities to get the conversation started. Feel free to drop in whenever you can!

Alpha Film Series

(begins Mar. 2) – Stefany Bergstrom

Alpha is a series of group conversations that explain the basics of Christian faith. Everyone’s welcome. You’re invited, no matter your background or beliefs. So come and connect with new people! Watch an episode on a question of faith, share your thoughts, and hear from others.

The Lectio Course

(begins Mar. 16) – Linda Bruce

The Lectio Course will equip you to hear God through the ancient practice of Lectio Divina, listening to God through Scripture. Each session of the course is designed to take around an hour and features: a teaching video with Pete Greig and a special interview guest, a discussion, and a practical activity to do together.