Ever wonder where your dollars go when you give to CCC? Here’s a glimpse of the outreach, connection, and transformation you support with every gift.
Hey Centennial,
In recent sermons, we’ve explored a few of Jesus’ teachings on wealth, emphasizing that all we have belongs to God and is on loan to us to steward according to His Kingdom purposes. The question has been asked of me a few times, “Why do churches talk about finances and giving so much?” While there could be a bunch of possible answers, here is what I come back to most often, I hope this is what guides me. We talk about finances a lot because Jesus talked about it a lot. This isn’t just about giving to the church; it’s about a fundamental shift in how we view and manage everything we have.
Here’s a few of the things Jesus said about money, “You cannot serve both God and money.” “It is not easy for a rich person to enter the Kingdom.” Are we prioritizing the pursuit of wealth, or are we using our resources to serve God and others? Are we seeking to widen the loopholes that allow us to say, “I’m not actually rich,” or are we willing to manage all we have (regardless of how much it is) for the sake of Christ and His kingdom?
Generosity is a key characteristic of God’s Kingdom. May we both take that serious challenge seriously and discover the freedom and joy that comes from living with openhanded Kingdom generosity.
Grace and peace,
Karl Helvig
Lead Pastor, Centennial Covenant Church
Here is a snapshot of our current finances.
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