Hey Centennial,
What is your internal response to the word, “Authority”?
This is a complicated question. Are we talking about authority rightly given and justly wielded, or authority forcefully taken or abusively employed? These are good questions, and precisely the reason I ask my question. In Matthew 21, the Chief Priests of the Jerusalem Temple confront and question Jesus’ authority. Here is the question we are going to consider.
What is your relationship with the authority of Jesus?
We live in an age that loves to question authority, challenge authority, and even take upon oneself the mantle of ultimate authority. The popular phrase “You do you” (while I admit it has a valuable encouragement to be honest about who you are) can be an encouragement to shirk adherence to any authority other than the self.
There are so many complicated issues we are all trying to work through in our lives. Political issues, identity issues, financial issues, relationship issues, vocation issues, moral issues. The list is nearly endless. It is hard enough to figure out who we are and what we really believe or desire. How much harder is it to figure out the guidance of God in the midst of it all!?!
Thats the potentially impossible question we are going to try and wrestle through this Sunday. If you have ever wondered who you are, who God made you to be, what it means to live faithfully in the complicated and messy world, this would be a great Sunday to gather with Centennial Covenant for our time of shared worship. I hope to see you there.
Grace and peace,