Hey Centennial,

How is your soul?

This is a question that I keep asking myself and others.

It is so easy to get caught up in day-to-day demands and unexpected hardships. It is challenging to pause and ponder where my heart is with Jesus.

So, I stop, take a few deep breaths, and ask myself, “Stef, how is your soul?”

And I hear, “Tired, distracted, worried, and thirsty. Really thirsty.”

“The Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come.’ Let anyone who hears this say, ‘Come.’ Let anyone who is thirsty come. Let anyone who desires drink freely from the water of life.” (Revelation 22:17, NLT)
I think Jesus has something to say about my tired, distracted, and anxious self. He offers hope and living water that will satisfy my thirst once and for all.

Come to Centennial this Sunday to learn more about the hope we find in Christ. We will have the privilege of hearing from Jael Shumaker, who will bring us a word from Revelation 22. Jael says,

“The brokenness of this world often leads us to the question, ‘Why bother with hope?’ We question where God is in our suffering, and we doubt whether things will ever get better. However, in Revelation 22:12-17, Christ offers God’s people a hope-filled promise. He is coming to make everything right. Amidst our current suffering, we maintain hope in the return of Christ and the promise of eternal life in his presence.”

Looking forward to worshipping with you!


PS Over the next few weeks, we will be interviewing two candidates for our Director of Student Ministries position. Please pray for God’s clear leading.

PPS Join us for Lunch on the Lawn after church, brought to you by MomCo (formerly MOPS)! All proceeds from LOTL will provide MomCo with much-needed funds. Thanks in advance for your generosity!