Hey Centennial,

What is God inviting you to this week?  

Have you noticed his whisper in a cool breeze, the whisper of a rainstorm, or marveled at the beauty God creates? 

Maybe He seems silent as you have consumed with anxiety over a loved one that seems far from Jesus. 

Or felt a desperate need for God to hear and answer your prayers.  

What is God’s invitation to you in these moments? 

God’s word provides an anchor to us in times of joy and trouble, but can it be trusted? 

We are fortunate to hear from Craig Blomberg this Sunday and he summarizes his message here:

Why bother with the reliability of the Gospels?  Maybe you have confidence in Scripture, but many people do not.  How do we best interact with them?

This is a huge topic that goes way beyond a single sermon but the opening paragraph of Luke (1:1-4) gives us a good place to start.  Luke gives us two reasons why he wrote his book and two glimpses into how he wrote it.  All four points should help reassure us that he knew what he was doing and did it well, so that we can entrust our lives to the message he recounts.

I am looking forward to worshipping with you on Sunday!


PS Right after the worship service we will have the privilege of witnessing Jayden and Hannah Italiano’s baptism. Please plan to stay a few extra minutes to celebrate this joyous occasion.

PPS Over the next few weeks, we will be interviewing two candidates for our Director of Student Ministries position. Please pray for God’s clear leading.