Hi Centennial Friends!

We just wrapped up two days of our Kids’ Art Camp yesterday, and it was a wonderful success! we had 23 first through fifth-graders (along with a couple kindergarteners thrown in the mix) and 15 of those came from outside of our congregation. For the two days, participants learned about woodworking, drawing and clay as art forms, as well as learning about how all these artistic expressions can be acts of worship to a God who loves them. I want to give shout outs to our facilitators: Roy Bergstrom, Shawn and Natalie Jenkins, and Kristen Plecker, as well as a couple awesome helpers: Esther Helvig and Caleb Dillon, and lastly my partner in overseeing the whole event, Pastor Nicki. It was fun to see this team pass on their passion for art and worship to all these kiddos!

We hope you can plan to join us this Sunday when in our “Why Bother” series, Fran Blomberg will have us wrestle with the question “Why bother with global missions?” Here is a teaser if not a spoiler alert from her:

Despite varying qualities of methods over the centuries, the WHY remains the same—because 1) God is worthy of all glory and honor. 2) His authority has been given to Jesus, because God’s heartbeat is to redeem all that he has created. And 3) because when we claim we want to be spiritually transformed into God’s likeness we must have his heart for redemption also. “Your move” will reassure that we aren’t all called to go, but to pray, support, send, mobilize, learn, welcome—in some way share his heart for redemption.

Finally, plan to stick around after worship for Lunch on the Lawn, or actually we will call this one Lunch in the Lobby, since heat and smoke are once again making it prohibitive to enjoy the outdoors. There will still be lots of good food and opportunities to connect with one another.

Grace and peace to you!
Pastor David

David Dillon
Worship & Communications