Hi Centennial Friends,

David here, and I am excited to share with you about the exciting Sunday worship gathering we have planned! First of all, the Dillons have some out of town family guests this week, and like our immediate family, Heather’s siblings are excellent musicians and worship leaders, so they will help fill out our Worship Team as we lead in making a joyful noise to the Lord.

I’ll save most of the introductions for Sunday, however, my second bit of exciting news is that Heather’s sister Krista Francis will be sharing from God’s word. Many of you have been praying for her, as she recently completed a 6 month short-term mission in Greece and then Israel. She will have lots of stories to share on how God has led her on this journey, so when I mentioned our current “Why Bother” sermon series, she said, “That’s perfect! I’ll title my sermon ‘Why Bother Hearing God’s Voice.’”

So, whether in-person or on live stream, come prepared to lift your voices in praise, and be challenged with the truth that God does speak to us and guides us according to his purposes. Let’s learn to listen better as we follow him!

Pastor David

P.S. Also click here to submit nominations for church leader positions that will open in 2025.