Hey Centennial,

Let me ask you a question,

Why bother with church?

As I said last Sunday, Why Bother? is the title of our new summer sermon series. And the truth is, there are plenty of people in our city and country who answer that by saying, “I don’t bother!” People don’t bother with religion, and they certainly don’t bother with church. This has been famously captured with the twin terms, “The dones and the nones.” The “Dones” have religious background but decided to be done with it. The “Nones” never had and are glad to continue without any religious participation.

According to 2022 numbers from Barna, 25% of American Boomers regularly attend church gatherings, 31% of Gen Xers, and 39% of Millennials. Barna attributes the higher Millennial engagement to an increase in digital options. Regardless, that still means most of our neighbors, colleagues, or strangers in the supermarket are rarely connected with a church community.

If just 10% more of the population of South Metro Denver showed up for church for the first time this Sunday, there wouldn’t be nearly enough seats in our local churches to seat them. And that would still mean that more than 50% of the population was not in church! 

Most people in the world think there is no reason to bother with church. Therefore, we better take this question seriously so that we have an answer! 

Rebecka Sutton is continuing the series for the next two Sundays. Here’s what she says about where she will take us this weekend:

During the summer we will focus on different aspects of our faith and practice as followers of Jesus. Why do Christians do that, believe that, say that? Last Sunday we looked at “Why Bother with Church”? We saw that belonging to the community of God is God’s good plan for flourishing souls and “plank-less” eyes. This Sunday, we will look at Colossians 3:1-4 and ask the question, “Why Bother Taking Our Faith Seriously?”. For some of us, faith is central to who we are and what we are about. For others, Christianity is an occasional “value add” when life gets tough. In today’s world, taking our faith seriously can be a hard sell. What can it possibly offer that would be better than what this world offers? 

As a reminder, sermon notes and a study guide will be offered with this sermon series. The study guide can be used in a small group setting or as an individual devotional. We hope that this sermon series will leave you bothered and transformed.

Knowing that many people don’t bother, I pray we will all be looking for ways to serve our neighbors in love, pray regularly for the people in our lives, and seek to bless people as the hands and feet of Christ in this world.

Grace and peace,


P.S. We still need a few more people to bring snacks for VBS next week. Sign up here to help! 

P.P.S. I recently sent a letter to all the parents of middle and high-school students at CCC. It gave some updates about our search for the next Youth Director. If you want to read the letter, you can find it HERE.