Hey Centennial,


When was the last time you watched an exciting chase scene? Maybe you watch action movies regularly. Maybe you pulled to the side of the road recently so a law enforcement vehicle could speed by you in real life. 

There is something inherently riveting about the chase. 

Yes, they are scary and dangerous. Almost every action movie includes one because writers and directors know they grab our attention. That leads me to wonder, 

What am I chasing in my life? 

As we continue our sermon series in Matthew, we discover this Sunday that Jesus assumes his disciples will be chasing something in their lives. His teaching assumes some of the very same energy and excitement we could find in any chase scene. The only difference is, with God we are chasing the absolute best. 

I think too often I chase things that ultimately don’t matter, am I chasing after God? 

We will continue with our Lenten theme of Honest to God and will again consider our three guiding questions: What do I need to confess and repent of? How have I drifted from God? How will I discipline myself to draw closer to him? I hope you have set aside time to sincerely consider those questions and make this a season of serious pursuit of God in your life. Everyday. Everywhere. 

Looking ahead, Easter Sunday worship gatherings will be at 9:00am and 10:30am. 

Eager to worship with you this Sunday! 


Grace and peace,

Karl Helvig
Lead Pastor

P.S. Don’t forget to mark your calendars for the Chili Supper this Sunday. Hosted by our Flourish Team, it will be a great time of connection for the church community and a chance to hear updates from each of our five local mission partners. Sign up here if you’re going to come (we already have plenty of chili being made, just sign up to come!) Also, the North Park University Gospel Choir concert is next Sunday, March 10th, at 7pm here at church. No need to sign up, just come and enjoy a great concert.