Centennial Family,

I got into a friendly argument the other day with an old friend, a college roommate. We were enjoying the bickering back and forth that sometimes accompanies this kind of decades long friendship. However, after a while we both got tired of the squabbling. My friend said, “Ok, let’s just drop it.” and I said,


This little word shows up in all sorts of places in our world. Around dinner tables after prayer, in arguments like the one I just described. It can be spoken as a sign of relief or even a bite of accusation. Can you think of the last time you said the word, “Amen”?

Jesus used the word Amen in one particularly heated argument during his life. 

However, he didn’t use it in a way many of us would think of. He used it in a distinct and important manner. Sadly, I think this powerful little word has sometimes lost its true meaning and instead just stands for, “Time to eat!”

This Easter Sunday, as we celebrate the gift of new life offered to all people in Christ through his resurrection, we are going to try and reclaim the word, Amen. 

Saint Augustine said it this way,

“To say Amen is to append your signature” (Augustine) 

Considering again the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, our time of worship will end with a simple but serious question,

How do you need to say Amen to God today?

He offers to everyone life and life to the full, may we receive and celebrate and live that life fully.

I am eager to celebrate resurrection Sunday with you!

Grace and peace,

Karl Helvig
Lead Pastor

P.S. Parents, reminder that Nursery and Preschool rooms are open at the beginning of both services. Kids Pre-K and up can start in worship and will head to their classes after the children’s sermon.  

P.P.S. remember to plan on gathering for our Good Friday service Friday evening at 6:30pm, and sign up here to participate in the Easter Prayer Vigil.