Hey Centennial,

Have you ever had someone say these words to you,

“Hey, stop worrying!” 

If you’re like me, you probably find them to be rather unhelpful. If I knew how to simply “stop worrying,” I would have done it already! This is the kind of advice that Julie Dykes, who is preaching this Sunday, likes to call,

Well intentioned, but ultimately unhelpful advice. 

She is going to share a few examples of well-intentioned, but unhelpful advice she has received in her own life. Then, she will share how even the words of Jesus have been misused in a way that, while still well intentioned, was actually unhelpful.

Sometimes, this unhelpful advice can even be harmful! 

Julie has called CCC her home for many years. She attended while a student at Denver Seminary and is back now while she finishes her PhD from McMaster University in Ontario. Not only is she an accomplished biblical scholar, she has also prepared a sermon that I believe is going to be a powerful word of hope and healing for many here at CCC.

Grace and peace,

Karl Helvig
Lead Pastor