Hey Centennial,


The Apostle Paul, while he was in prison, wrote a letter to some of his friends. They were the members of a church in the ancient city of Philippi. Here is what he said to them,


Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7


Do not be anxious.

God’s peace will guard you.

And he wrote this while he was in prison!


If anyone had a reason to be anxious, it would have been Paul . He would have already realized that his life could be on the line with this imprisonment. And yet, here he is, encouraging others. Reminding them that they can find God’s peace.


What does it look like for God’s peace to “guard your heart?”


If you have ever felt like the anxiety of life is more than you can bear, make sure to gather with Centennial Covenant this Sunday as we wrap up our sermon series, Jesus First. Together, we will be finding an answer to the question,


How do I find God’s peace in a world filled with anxiety?


This will also be our final Sunday with two worship gatherings. Starting Sunday May 28th, we will move to our summer schedule with a single worship gathering at 10:00am.


See you Sunday!


Karl Helvig
Lead Pastor