Centennial Family,


Every year at the end of May, we dedicate a full Sunday to one purpose.




Celebration yields nearly endless benefits.

It generates gratitude.

Gratitude releases stress and increases joy.

It prompts healthy reflection.

Reflection increases awareness and motivation.

It enhances resilience.

Resilience is essential to perseverance and character formation.

The list could easily go on.


All of our celebrations center on you, the people of Centennial Covenant. All that God has done, he has done in and through you. You are the heartbeat of the ministries of our church.


Carl Jung famously said, “Unless you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”


This Sunday we consciously look back at our past year of shared ministry – while doing that, we will invite everyone to look back over the past year of their own life as well – so that we might intentionally celebrate all that God has done in, among, and through this church community called Centennial.


As a culmination of our worship gathering, we will be celebrating the baptism of six youth from our congregation. What a perfect way to wrap up this ministry year!


Eager to worship with you on Sunday!


Karl Helvig
Lead Pastor


P.S. REMINDER: there is only one worship gathering this Sunday. It starts at 10:00am and will be followed by a catered Lunch on the Lawn.


P.P.S We will continue ALL SUMMER with a single 10:00am worship gathering on Sunday mornings.