Our Vision
CCC’s Studio72 is a vibrant ministry for students 6th-12th grade. Together we grow and deepen our faith in Jesus to live holistically healthy lives. We do this through meaningful fellowship, adventure, fun, creative worship, missional outreach, and bold exploration of scripture and faith.
Why then the name ‘Studio72?’ A studio is where performers go to practice, rehearse and develop their skills. The ‘72’ is in reference to Luke 10:1-2 when Jesus sends out the seventy-two ‘others’ to proclaim the Good News throughout the towns they encountered. Studio72 is a place where students come as they are and can wrestle, develop and grow in their faith in community with others.
Students 6-8th grade gather each Sunday morning during the school year at 8:45 am – 9:45 am to explore and dive deeper into scripture. This is a time to grow in our walk with God and in fellowship with one another.
Sunday Evening Youth Group
Students 6th-12th grade gather together on Sunday evenings, 6:00 -8:00 pm, for a night of fun, fellowship and teaching. Separate teaching for Middle and High School students.
Click HERE to download our health waiver (Required for all students). Fill it out and bring it to the church whenever possible!
Stay Connected
Sign up HERE for the weekly newsletter– we have one specific for Middle and High School.
Instagram handle: studio72youth
Facebook: Studio72 Ministries