Hey Centennial,

When you think of all your friendships in life, who is the person you know better than anyone else? 

It may be your spouse or a life-long friend, it could be a neighbor, or even a colleague. Regardless, it is often the case that the people we know best are also people whose influence rubs off on us most. Plenty of authors and leaders and pastors have observed

We become like the people we are closest to. 

This Sunday is our final week studying the OT book of Judges. One central theme throughout the book is that God’s people have forgotten who God is and instead become like the people around them. Instead of becoming the people God designed them to be, they are becoming the exact opposite.

What about you? When you look at the last year of your life, who are you becoming? Can you say with honesty that you are becoming the person God desires you to be? 

As a community, our desire is to create space for a shared journey where we become the person God designed and desires us to be. This is our hope because we believe there is no greater joy in life than living the way we are designed. Our entire worship gathering will be focused on creating space to be near to God, come to know God more closely, and seek to become like him.


Grace and peace, 

Karl Helvig
Lead Pastor


P.S. This Sunday is the last Sunday to drop off gifts for the Mile High Ministry Christmas store. It is also the last Sunday to sign up to donate a gift for the Parent Life Christmas tree. You can find more info at the Hub in the welcome center or at our church website, here.