Hey Centennial,

For the last few weeks, we’ve been talking about the beautiful, radical, justice, focused righteousness making kingdom of God. We’ve been exploring the way it’s fundamentally different than any and every kingdom of this world. Gods’ kingdom is not built on fear or power, wealth, fame, or fortune. rather, it’s a Kingdom, who knows the greatest power in the world, the power to transform hearts and minds and lives, is the power of compassion at the same time as Jesus casts this vision and teacher’s crowds, and his disciples about it

He also confronts his disciples at times. He speaks words of compassion and words of hard challenge. 

This Sunday we look at some of those challenging words. In the same way he challenged his first disciples. He also challenges us today. The question is simple.

Are we going to listen? 

There’s a lot going on around here at Centennial. We would love everyone to find a place to get connected in community, grow as disciples, and serve in ways that share Christ with others. Here’s a few things I encourage you to look at:

  • Indoor Picnic for families and kids, October 25th. Info and registration here.
  • Crescendo Event, October 20th. Info and registration here.
  • Sabbath class begins this Sunday, 8:45-9:45.  Registration and info here.
  • Love INC Diaper Drive. A simple way to make a BIG impact on a mother’s life. Bring your diapers to church on Sunday.

Grace and peace,
