Ever wonder where your dollars go when you give to CCC? Here’s a glimpse of the outreach, connection, and transformation you support with every gift.

Hey Centennial,

The Growth Challenge has launched! For almost three years, the leadership of CCC has been prayerfully asking the question, “what is our discipleship strategy?” Another way to ask that question would be, “What helps people follow Jesus “it’s too easy to just fall into habit or routine without seeing evidence of Gods real presence in our real lives each day. Well, the Growth Challenge has been the main outcome from these years and here is what thrills me. People are seeing God present and at work in numerous and powerful ways. This exciting clarity for our shared mission is just one of the many things you make possible with your financial support. There is a Ministry momentum I feel more and more frequently. I hope you feel it too and know it’s because of you!

Grace and peace,


Click Here for a snapshot of our current finances.

Click here to give to the ministries of CCC.