“When we receive the generous gift of God’s grace, we will become generous givers to others. Generous living is proof of genuine faith”

                                                                                            March 14 CCC Sermon Notes

I’ve been giving this quote some thought ever since Pastor Karl spoke about it 2 weeks ago.  Honestly the whole James quote about “faith without works is dead” thing, kind of challenges my thinking, but that’s a discussion for another time because when you combine the statement with the generous gift of God’s grace, how can we NOT do anything but live generously.  And living generously is what CCC is all about:

  • Picking up folks for rides to church and the doctor’s office
  • Delivering meals to shut ins
  • Praying for those in need or ill or grieving past loved ones
  • Volunteering with the children or teens’ ministries
  • Teaching an Adult Sunday class
  • Coaching a Growth Challenge group or participant
  • Sitting with a friend who needs a listening ear
  • Keeping our church computers running
  • Providing our incredible worship and praise music every Sunday
  • Running the A/V and video recording equipment during Sunday service
  • Signing to our deaf and hard of hearing attendees and viewers
  • Preparing and providing Communion
  • Wow!  And all the other things that I’ve forgotten to mention…..oh
  • The all-important coffee ministry that keeps us running all Sunday morning!
  • And our elected officers, council as well as our staff who all go above and beyond in giving generously of their time

You may very well be participating in these ministries.  THANK YOU!  You are living generously!  And you are participating in local ministries as well as the ones located outside of our church.

But you know, sometimes the more you give of your time generously, the more you realize how wonderful that generous gift of grace from God is, and it opens the door to give even more generously.  If that describes you – in other words, the blessings you receive from generously giving are greater than the effort and time that go into providing the blessings, then I hope you will consider expanding your generosity outside of our church to our other Local Ministries and consider the opportunities in these excellent organizations.

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Parent Life seeks to connect with expectant and parenting teens and their children through intentional relationships with caring adults and community partnerships. Our aim is to empower teens to thrive in every aspect of life and to encourage them to further their education and move toward becoming life-long followers of Jesus Christ.

Through relational, holistic ministry, our hope is to see young people thrive physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. And our strategy is to facilitate life-giving mentoring by coming alongside young parents in their pivotal moments and inspiring them by uncovering God’s story of hope in their lives.

If you are interested in working with Parent Life (a ministry of Youth for Christ Denver) please contact Jill Meyer at Flourish@centcov.org.

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NLP Easter Egg Hunt!

We are excited to host our annual NLP Easter Event on Tuesday, April 15! We are looking for event volunteers and donations to help make this fun, family event possible. Click here for the details of how you can help!

  • In April, there are 2 dates open to provide hot meals to 15 hungry middle schoolers!  April 3 or April 24th are there for your taking!


  • Adult Volunteers are needed to assist in the elementary level Kids Club.  This allows the parents to attend the adult Bible Studies which are held at the same time.
  • And last but not least!  Soccer Referees are needed to help in the Soccer Leagues that have gotten off to a strong start for NLP this Spring Season!


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Love INC is offering many varied opportunities for volunteering among their many programs:

Most urgently needed are:

  • Monday afternoon volunteers in the Renewed Treasures Resale Store.  RT has recently begun operating on Monday afternoons and now needs volunteers to staff the store!
  • A trucK

Also, there are always volunteer opportunities at Love INC for:

  • Intake Volunteers in the Connection Center – you get the opportunity to pray with callers and discuss their needs with them to see if Love INC might be able to make a difference for them.
  • Impact Class facilitators, coaches and prayer team volunteers
  • Administrative Staff in the Love INC offices

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Currently in Session 2, which will finish on April 16th, there are 65 students on track to graduate.  They have just completed their resumes and are ready to begin practice interviews to get those all-important interview skills up to par.  They are also progressing in their Financial Literacy in learning how to invest their 401K retirement plans that their soon to be great careers will provide!

If you would like to assist in interviewing, please contact Robin Hurley at Flourish@centcov.org for more information.

Interview days this session:

Tuesday April 1

Thursday, April 3

Monday April 8

In 1 1/2-hour sessions that include 5 15-minute interviews with students using recommended questions and the student’s resumes as a resource.

If you would like to know more about the success of the program, you are invited to attend a graduation ceremony.  This session’s graduation on April 16 is from 6-8 pm at Fellowship Denver Church, 1990 South Broadway, Denver 80210.

There is nothing more uplifting than seeing a group of young men and women celebrating their new relationships with Jesus, their graduation and new careers than by attending a MAP Graduation!

Blessings to you all, Centennial!  Thank you for your generosity!

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What is Flourish?

Flourish Metro Ministries is the CentCov Team of volunteers who work with our local partner ministries, including:

North Littleton Promise  •  Love INC  •  Parent Life (Teen Moms and Dads via YFC)  •  The Master’s Apprentice Program  •  MOPS  •  Housing Assistance Ministry

Our goal is to help those in our local area flourish by serving them as the hands and feet of Jesus.

If you would like to know more about Flourish, our ministries or how to join the team, please contact Flourish@centcov.org