This Week at CCC

July 19, 2024

Hey Centennial, What is God inviting you to this week?   Have you noticed his whisper in a cool breeze, the whisper of a rainstorm, or marveled at the beauty God creates?  Maybe He seems silent as you have consumed with anxiety over a loved one that seems far from...

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What’s Happening at CCC!

Read class descriptions and sign up for one here!

More information and registration here

Click here for question or to register

Middle School Retreat, Oct. 11 – 13

Click here for more info and to register

Contact Pastor Nicki if interested

Come and join members of our WT as we make a joyful noise together!

Any instrument & all skill levels are welcome!

Sign up here

September 27, 6 PM

Click here for more informationand to register

MomCo (formerly MOPS) is starting up again in September! Click here to request info

Gatherings: 1st & 3rd Wednesdays, 6:30 – 8:30 PM at CCC

Family Dinners: 9/25 & 10/30 location TBD

More information and registration here

Scroll down to see our Spotify playlists

Financial Corner

July 19, 2024

Ever wonder where your dollars go when you give to CCC? Here's a glimpse of the outreach, connection, and transformation you support with every gift. Coffee Farmers in Colombia: A percentage of every dollar donated to the CCC general fund goes to support our global mission partners. The Global Team oversees this section of our budget and some of our long-time partners are Gary and Mary Lou...

CCC Songs

Looking for a song from last Sunday that was done in worship?

Listen to our podcast