November 24, 2023

Hey Centennial,   When you think of all your friendships in life, who is the person you know better than anyone else?  It may be your spouse or a life-long friend, it could be a neighbor, or even a colleague. Regardless, it is often the case that the people we know...

Global Missions: November 22, 2023

News from Jon and Lynda Hardin (an excerpt taken from their newsletter) “Jesus said, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of harvest to send out workers into his harvest field.’ (Lk. 10:2). An important part of our ministry with Frontiers is...

November 17, 2023

Ever wondered where your dollars go when you support the General Fund of Centennial Covenant Church? Check back here each week for a glimpse of the many ways your financial contributions support ministries of outreach, connection, and transformation in and through...

November 19, 2023

Hey Centennial,   When have you received or experienced a profound expression of gratitude?  Maybe it was someone expressing their thanks to you, maybe you got to observe while someone gave genuine thanks to another person. Either way, most of us know intuitively...

November 10, 2023

Ever wondered where your dollars go when you support the General Fund of Centennial Covenant Church? Check back here each week for a glimpse of the many ways your financial contributions support ministries of outreach, connection, and transformation in and through...