MEET COLLEEN NAHNYCHUK! Colleen Nahnychuk is the most recent addition to CCC’s team of global partners. Colleen is from British Columbia, Canada, and serves with the Evangelical Covenant Church in Bariloche, Argentina. “While I serve the Covenant churches in...
The Global Team of CCC has as its purpose “To see Jesus’ redemptive power transform us and our broken world.” In the coming weeks, there will be opportunities to become more involved at Centennial Covenant Church as we increase awareness and participation in God’s...
Meet and Greet Jim and Hydi Peterson January 7 following service Jim and Hydi Peterson have been missionaries in Japan for over 30 years! Jim will be preaching, and afterward a reception/luncheon is planned to get to know this couple better! If you aren’t familiar...
News from Jon and Lynda Hardin (an excerpt taken from their newsletter) “Jesus said, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of harvest to send out workers into his harvest field.’ (Lk. 10:2). An important part of our ministry with Frontiers is...
Words of Hope Words of Hope is a media ministry based in Grand Rapids, MI. Their work spans four continents and 50 languages. Words of Hope partners with emerging Christian leaders, pastors, teachers and prayer warriors around the world, bringing clear bible teaching...