Ever wonder where your dollars go when you give to CCC? Here’s a glimpse of the outreach, connection, and transformation you support with every gift.

Centennial Family,

There’s been a lot of news lately about the federal government and its finances. What is our nation spending money on? Where is there waste? Where are the critical, beautiful, valuable services provided? Let’s not get too far down that (admittedly important!) rabbit hole. Instead, I mention it to ask this question:

How does Centennial Covenant Church spend its money? 

We make our budget available to anyone who asks, but most people don’t ask. So let me give you a simple breakdown:

14% of every dollar goes to global and local missions. 

Support for mission partners, donations to our denomination and regional conference, finances for church plants and short-term missionaries—these and more make up 14% of our budget. Just as we challenge everyone to work toward giving 10% of their yearly income to church ministry, we strive to do the same with what we steward of God’s resources. This percentage is slightly higher than the average American church.

14.1% of every dollar goes to maintaining our mission home—this property. 

In the world of church and non-profit budgets, it’s common for organizations with location-specific work to spend 20-30% of their budget on facilities. With 14% dedicated to our mission base, we’re caring well for this home while also working hard to maintain fiscal responsibility.

12.5% goes to direct ministry resources. 

Children’s ministry, student ministry, young adult ministries, Crescendo ministries, office supplies, leadership development—these all add up to 12.5%.

59.4% goes to staffing. 

In elementary and secondary education (a field we often look to for financial benchmarks), it’s common to spend over 80% of the annual budget on staffing. In churches, 50-60% is the norm. At 59.4%, staffing is the largest percentage of CCC’s annual budget. We seek to balance strong compensation with mission prioritization. The purpose of paid staff, as the Apostle Paul writes in Ephesians, is “to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.” We ensure all staff work is directed toward this biblical goal.

I share this to highlight that Centennial Covenant takes seriously the stewardship and responsible, Kingdom-focused use of every dollar you give.

I am grateful that this has been the long history of our church body. May it continue! And I pray you know that every dollar donated to the mission of God through CCC is managed with care, transparency, accountability, and a deep commitment to Christ and His Kingdom.

Here is a snapshot of our current finances through the end of January. Thank you for your ongoing support of God’s work through this church. May we continue together on this shared journey of transformation, joining God in His mission to our broken world.

Grace and peace,


Click here to give to the ministries of CCC.