Greetings CCC Friends!


While Heather and I getaway for a weekend of anniversary celebrating (yes, Sunday is the day!), you will be under the capable worship leadership of the Dillon boys! A big shout out of thanks to them for giving us the gift of this weekend away. Also in worship we will be commissioning and praying for our high school students and leaders heading to Brazil next week for a time of ministry in São Paulo with Restoration Ministries.


And finally taking us into God’s word on Sunday will be Aisha Cox who, along with her husband Maurice, serves at Ascent Community Church in Louisville. Aisha writes about her upcoming message:


Why would anybody come to our church? It’s a place where people experience the love of God. God has commanded us to love others and it’s a distinct marker that we are his disciples. Before people encounter God they should experience the heart of God through us. 1 Corinthians 13 makes it clear how we are to love others. The Pharisees did the right things, but couldn’t master the one fundamental and essential thing, love.
Have a great week, and may God show his blessings to you!


David Dillon
Worship & Communications